On March 28, 2023, Vice President of International Affairs, Dr. Hsiao-Wei YUAN and OIA colleagues
visited Taipei Xin Min Private Elementary School for Friendship call and paid a visit to the school facilities
and environment.
With the great location near NTU campus and abundant teaching and learning resources of Xin Ming, NTU
is privileged to have a good neighbor.
Principal Bang-An RAU, Ph.D. of Education introduces the pedagogical ideas and mission of teaching of Xin
Ming. Two sides have signed a Friendship Agreement to collaborate in terms of increasing education opportunities
for NTU scholars and to promote cross-cultural activities between the two sides in the long run. Let’s expect more activities from both sides.
活動名稱: 活動時間: 活動地點: 姓名: 大學: 系所: 電話: 信箱: 地址: