【Nov 18th】Free documentary ticket to Black Bauhinia – Prof. Malte Kaeding, Heidi Kaeding.

【Nov 18th】Free documentary ticket to Black Bauhinia – Prof. Malte Kaeding, Heidi Kaeding.

BLACK BAUHINIA won multiple awards at international film festivals and is featured as a special event this year at the International Studies Association Innovative Panel and the British International Studies Association Featured Event. The film is part of our bigger research project that investigates filmmaking as a method and theory in the discipline of International Relations. It is reviewed in Pacific Affairs: https://pacificaffai… 


Time: 18th of November (Saturday) 14:00~

Location:Ximen’s Wonderful Theatre (真善美戲院)

Sign up via:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeZLG5REaFv_qxDQYdLHoB7J83CCOS6xPQdiZhumbjt7F1vSg/viewform?fbclid=IwAR1spfZIhpCi5BBeN22hPfya_tYbcD2RwGZrvgoJHQJK9CvTXVlxQnEZWrw




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