
2023 Global Scholar Pension and Tax Workshop
17th, May, 2023
Every year in May, it’s the tax declaration season. In react to the inquiries from NTU global scholars, Office of International Affairs invited NTU Personnel Office and Cashier Office to jointly hold the workshop for Pension and Tax affairs.
Unveiling the event by Vice President for International Affairs, Prof. Hsiao-wei Yuan, we aspire to accommodate the needs of scholars as to better assist scholars’ life at NTU as well as in Taiwan.
By special inclusion of Personnel office and Cashier Office in this workshop, the authorities may immediately response to the inquiries of scholars.
Issues such as income tax regulation, declaration methods, the pension mechanisms and individual differences that needs to be discussed and further consulted. The two offices provides background knowledge and OIA Global Scholar Manager Julianne Lin assisted with simultaneous interpretation and briefing.
During the workshop, we have received various questions raised by global scholars and we were able to sort out many logic and understandings immediately because of those are not feasible to be read from official documents.
By providing consultation channels, the two offices welcome global scholars to make appointments for further consultation.