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Dr. Yohei Seki is currently an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Library, Information and Media Science at the University of Tsukuba, Japan. He received his Ph.D. in Informatics from the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI) in 2005. He was a visiting scholar at Columbia University in 2008 and at the National University of Singapore in 2018. His main research interests are in natural language processing and information access, particularly citizen sentiment analysis. He led sentiment analysis work as one of the co-organizers in the NTCIR multilingual opinion analysis task from 2006 to 2010. Dr. Seki received the Best Paper Award at CEA 2014 and was nominated as a runner-up for the Best Paper Award at ICADL 2020 and 2022. He recently contributed to the publication of international standards for smart cities, ISO/IEC 30146 in 2019 and ISO/IEC 30145-3 in 2020, as a co-editor. Dr. Seki is also co-organizing PromiseEval at SemEval-2025, focusing on evaluating the environmental, social, and governance aspects of business enterprises.
Dr. Yohei Seki 關 洋平

Dates of Visit:
2024/8/19 - 2024/9/18
Position at Home University:
Associate Professor
Visiting scholar
Home University:
University of Tsukuba
Home Faculty Department:
Institute of Library, Information, and Media Science
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