Host Department
Graduate Institute of Building and Planning
Host Professor Full Name
Min Jay Kang
Host Professor Email
Mitch Glass is a lecturer in the Departments of Landscape Architecture and City and Regional Planning at Cornell. He teaches graduate and undergraduate studios and workshops that focus on the regeneration of urban neighborhoods in Rust Belt cities through community-based planning, social, racial, and environmental justice, green infrastructure strategies, and neighborhood visioning. His other endeavors include collaborations with Cornell research teams on soil development and bionutrient recycling and teaching studios related to the pre-colonial, indigenous landscape of upstate New York (Haudenosaunee territory). Glass is the Faculty Advisor for the ULI Hines Student Urban Design Competition, a Faculty Fellow with the Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability, an Engaged Cornell Faculty Fellow, and has been a member of the City of Ithaca’s Planning and Development Board since 2018. Before his appointments at Cornell in 2017, Glass worked in the public and private sectors in Philadelphia, Chicago, and Boston as a landscape architect and urban designer.
Dr. Mitch Glass
Dates of Visit:
2024/07/31 - 2024/06/30
Position at Home University:
Visiting scholar
Home University:
Cornell University
Home Faculty Department:
City & Regional Planning
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