Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation CCKF

Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation CCKF

The Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange (CCKF)  is deeply committed to its mission of encouraging scholars at academic institutions throughout the world to undertake research projects in the humanities and social sciences that can shed new light on Chinese culture and society, as well as engage in international cooperation and exchange.

Application Deadlines

The deadline for applications to most of the Foundation’s grant and fellowship programs is October 15. Exceptions include Conference and Seminar Grants plus Publication Subsidy Grants (which have two deadlines of September 15 and January 15) as well as Fellowships for Ph.D. Dissertations and Postdoctoral Research (January 15). A list of grant recipients will be announced in early June of each year.

For further information, visit the website via

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